
"Cristina’s sleep coaching changed my life. I worked with her for two weeks, but I began seeing results within just two days. After I filled out a questionnaire about my family’s specific habits, routines, and biggest pain points, she developed a thorough plan that was completely custom to my family and our needs. I was nervous about making the changes, and I wasn’t sure they would work, but I took a leap of faith and followed them to the letter. Things started changing literally overnight. Within a couple of nights, our baby dropped the first of his two regular night wakings and our toddler had her first full night of sleep in MONTHS, followed by her second and third!

Over the course of my two weeks working with Cristina, she offered sane, sensible, and simple-to-follow advice to get my family sleeping through the night. Not every night was a good one, as my growing family navigated illness, teething, broken routine, and all of the other realities of life with young children. Throughout it all, Cristina always had thoughtful, effective advice to help us get over every hurdle. By the end of the coaching process, my husband and I had a set of tools we could use in order to establish a consistent and restful routine and environment for our family, one we can continue to use long after our time working with Cristina, so we can feel confident to face any new life or developmental changes that come our way.

I was afraid to work with a sleep coach. I hate hearing my kids cry and I was worried that sleep coaching would be a cold, unfeeling process. Cristina showed me that sleep training my kids was just another way to show them that I love them. I’ve given them—and myself—the gift of repeated nights of restful, uninterrupted sleep, and we are all better for it!"

- Lauren (mom of 10 month & 3.5 year old)


“Cristina has made the first several weeks with our newborn so much easier! They mean it when they say the fourth trimester is all about survival. As a first time mom, I found that I was barely surviving and really needed more support. I’m so happy I found Cristina. She is so lovely as a person, and incredibly skilled when it comes to newborn and postpartum care. Having Cristina apart of our lives means that when she’s here, my brain and body can fully turn off, at least for a few hours. This time to recharge while a trusted and trained night nurse takes care of my daughter is invaluable. I would recommend it to every family with a newborn, really. We are so grateful for her!!”

- Hayley

“Having Cristina provide postpartum support has been a benefit beyond words. I couldn’t imagine doing this without assistance. She has made the first two months of parenting so much easier. She is able to provide care for my newborn and expert guidance. Nights she is here, I’m able to get much needed rest knowing an RN is watching my baby. I’m able to relax and sleep without needing to worry and check every five minutes. She’s able to answer so many questions and provide reassurance and tips on everything from feeding, naps, swaddling, to longer night stretches. She’s become a trusted resource and one I’m so thankful for. The value I’ve found in having a night nurse has led me recommend her to everyone I know having a baby.”

- Emily

"Cristina was an enormous help with postpartum overnight care for our baby. After having a first child who had difficulty sleeping, we knew we needed support the second time around. It is very hard to trust someone with your newborn baby, but Cristina worked with us to feel comfortable. Cristina was flexible when our baby came early and when we needed to adjust our schedule after a medical procedure. Our baby had challenging feeding issues and Cristina was very willing and able to work with her special needs. I would highly recommend her services to any sleep deprived parents." 

- Lauren

“Cristina from Mama’s Little Loves was incredibly professional, compassionate and helpful during our first few weeks home with our preemie newborn. She gave us good tips and provided well needed rest to us, as we knew our son was in good hands. I recommend her services to anyone bringing home a newborn - preemie or full-term as she is quick to provide a full report and offer the guidance you ask for (or just provide support).”

- Kerri